"The Purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off pour souls." 
- Pablo Picasso


Quixotic #3

The numerous postings of the project 'Quixotic' will hopefully not be revisited with the remanding assignments in this elective, quite tedious.

This is an image of the mosaic table which I made on my balcony at home. My idea was to recreate this sense of pattern with using the neutral hue range from Day 1. However once working through this idea, I quickly noticed that the style in the way I was creating and the actual image was the complete OPPOSITE to the meaning of the word!
The image was needing a drastic change & 'release' of the structure, so I took out a big flat brush, filled it w/ solvent & titanium white and began to blend away...in somewhat of a swoosh manner. This helped. The next logical step seemed to be the text. I decided on my silver paint and discovered that when using cursive, the initial letter turns into a 2 plus the mathematical symbol 'x' amongst the text.
Does no feel finished...unsure at this moment about the next step

Quixotic part 2

I was trying to return to the previous posting & discuss the images i uploaded, by alas I was unsuccessful. So I shall explain now.

On the first day of this elective we were asked to create a range of neutral hues. Whilst working through this colour mixing exercise, I began to notice a range of theses neutral hues, almost as a mosaic. The theme in which i decided to continue with.

Now I had to work with the other aspect of this project: text or numerals. Do I use a single letter? A favourite number? A memorable quote? And then i remembered a word that I heard a few years back; one which I loved saying as much as the definiton...Quixotic.


My inagural posting...and it is defiantly not as easy as it looks. So please excuse the immaturity of this blog, I am trying.